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I Love You, Man

  • March 7, 2005
A Tech club rugby player brings down a player from Bowling Green. I think I get the basic ideas behind rugby, but there were still some times when everyone started cheering and I had no idea what was going on.

Have you ever realized when you reached the point in an acquaintance relationship that you no longer acknowledge you're familiar with each other? When you pass an acquaintance in public, the level of "hello" that you give to a person depends on how well you know them, from the head nod to yelling at them from 100 feet away. I've noticed that people I vaguely met freshman year start off with a "hello" and a head nod, decay to just the nod, then just a smile, and finally nothing. This assumes no contact outside casual glances. When you pass each other walking through campus, make full eye contact, and give no signal, you are no longer acquaintances - you don't even know each other. I can think of several people where I remember this occurence.


  • Vincent
  • March 7, 2005
  • 7:51 pm
Yes, I know what that's like. What's more awkward is when you do that only to find that you're headed to the same place and end up trying to make some small talk but failing miserably, both entirely too conscious of the loss of a friendship.
  • Ethan
  • March 7, 2005
  • 8:49 pm
Yep, and I've consciously taken unnecessary detours just to prevent that from happening, when I can see it coming. Sad, isn't it?
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