Daily photo

Rock the Dome

My first Falcons game was a few weeks ago, against the Miami Dolphins. It was the first game of the season, and the Falcons got the win. We were seated in the nosebleeds with a nice couple of Dolphins fans.

The best part? Parking! We parked in a side lot that cost $30 (cheap considering that spaces at other lots nearby went for at least $60). The cars in our lot were stuffed in with little regard for order, such that when the game ended it was obvious we'd have to leave in the same order. Unfortunately the "key" vehicle for the "lock" was a large truck whose owner was in no hurry to come move it out, so we joined a bunch of other people and waited about 15 minutes in the lot after the game. When the woman finally arrived, she opened her truck to grab something, then closed the door behind her and started to leave. Quickly everyone behind me began shouting "woah! woah!", and eventually we convinced her to think about the situation, at which point she decided not to simply leave her truck there.

5 minutes later she was able to leave, and as the second vehicle behind her, I carefully maneuvered out of my spot (with Wes helping guide me). Imagine backing out of a space with about 20 people yelling instructions at you. As we finally pulled out, a kind man offered to stop traffic for $3, though this was basically presented as an exit toll. As we pulled out, someone yelled "I thought white men just couldn't jump ... they can't drive either!"

Oh no, sir. You can insult my jumping ability, but I draw the line at insulting my driving! I'd like to see you do better!

Lesson? Take Marta! But hey, great game.


Awesome picture, entertaining story :)
  • lil sis
  • October 4, 2009
  • 3:21 pm
cool. FYI, I have laid on the falcon in the center of the field...
  • Kyle
  • October 4, 2009
  • 11:10 pm
Wow, I would've called it "This my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine" (you know if I were feeling sufficiently douchey)

PS I finally figured out that I can download a desktop version and then look at the EXIF on that. n0w 74h7's l337
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