You are viewing entries with the tag 'macro'
Photoblog Entries
I Saw a Band Saw (February 2, 2010)
Significant Snow Accumulation (January 12, 2010)
Floyd Cramer Plays The Monkees (December 28, 2009)
Frankenbulb (November 21, 2009)
Western Digital HD Controller ... by IBM (October 30, 2009)
Righty-Tighty Lefty-Loosey (October 26, 2009)
IBM Travelstar (October 25, 2009)
Windows 7 (October 23, 2009)
Bug on a Black-Eyed Susan (July 30, 2009)
Magnetic Hexagonal Crystal (July 25, 2009)
Hot Now (December 6, 2004)
Make a Move (November 15, 2004)
GT Pin (November 14, 2004)
Standout Leaf (November 11, 2004)
Coin Dish (September 19, 2004)
Not a Hummingbird (August 31, 2004)
Dirty Dishes (August 26, 2004)
Rubber Bands (August 25, 2004)
Beetles (August 16, 2004)
Five-Point Star Blooms (August 12, 2004)
Moth Antennae (August 11, 2004)
Rich Blooms, Again (July 26, 2004)
Soaking Up Radio Waves (June 23, 2004)
Tiny Amphibian (June 22, 2004)
Laser (June 2, 2004)
Why Did the Chicken Press the Button? (May 21, 2004)
Red Spider Mites (May 2, 2004)
Dark Simpson (April 29, 2004)
Pollen or Ant (April 15, 2004)
Big Bug (April 14, 2004)
Spinning (March 24, 2004)
$0.75 (March 23, 2004)
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