Welcome to Hydrous, Again

I finally finished it. Hydrous is now a text blog and photoblog, giving me the ability to convey my creativity, or lack thereof, in more forms than ever. On the text side of things I will be rambling about lots of various topics, most of them very geeky, such that I can try to "give back" to the inter-tubes that have been so generous to me. My LiveJournal will still be the place to find more personal journal ramblings; this blog is meant for more formal subjects.

Play around, break things, and let me know if you run across any bugs. With this new site, Hydrous has moved to a completely new, dedicated server provided at a great price by CoreNetworks. The backend is all completely custom atop the ubiquitous LAMP architecture, but I'll be posting more about that in the future.

Some points of interest:

  • All the old photoblog posts are still around, refusing to die
  • You can navigate the photoblog using the left and right arrow keys, a la Facebook
  • You can generate desktop versions of photoblog images at many different resolutions. New resolutions are created on-the-fly and cached for future visitors. How cool is that?
  • When you first leave a comment on the weblog or photoblog, your comment will be held for moderation. Once you have an approved comment, all future comments will appear immedately. (This state is saved in a cookie, so it only applies to one machine.)


  • ryan
  • March 3, 2008
  • 10:53 am
yay! its back! is there an rss feed?
  • ryan
  • March 3, 2008
  • 10:54 am
lol, should have scrolled down one more wheel
  • Ethan
  • March 3, 2008
  • 10:55 am
Indeed, there are links at the bottom of the page, but I forgot to include the feeds in the headers. I'll fix that ASAP!
  • Kyle
  • March 3, 2008
  • 11:41 am
Wow it looks shockingly like the mockup you did a while back (which is awesome). Glad to have you back =) One thing I notice is that the links at the top seem to wrap prematurely--like Applications is on the second line at, let's say 950px
  • Irene Gung
  • March 3, 2008
  • 11:45 am
Hey Ethan! Great to hear from you again!
  • Ethan
  • March 3, 2008
  • 11:48 am
Kyle: Yeah, the site assumes a 1024-wide browser, but I'll look into fixing that problem. I guess a lot of people browse non-maximized, or have a sidebar that takes up some horizontal space.
  • Kyle
  • March 3, 2008
  • 9:13 pm
I get it now, it's wrapping around the current photoblog picture (which isn't there in the individual entry pages). I can live with it!
dude, what you did with the photo resolutions is pretty cool indeed. i also love that you have a section for "mobile resolutions." ATTENTION TO DETAIL! ethan's got it, everyone else don't.
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